The Challenge

I am going to spend the next 30 days feeding my family of 5 using only the food I have in my pantry and freezer right now! Check in to see what creative recipes and tips I come up with! And maybe you'll be inspired to make a little Middle Class Magic of your own!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Day One-The Challenge

Ok. So yesterday I ran through the grocery store, spent $107, which isn't bad for my family of 5 and had a rude awakening when I went to put them all away...........There was NO ROOM. My pantry is full, my freezer is full, my garage freezer is full--you get the picture. I started to berate myself (it's bad how we automatically do that) for spending too much money, blah blah blah, when instead I came up with a great idea. Starting today, Monday, September 13, 2010, I am going to feed my family of 5 for one month on THE FOOD THAT IS ALREADY IN MY OVERFLOWING KITCHEN!! It is going to take some creativity, some ingenuity by me and some tolerance by my family, but I think it can be done and done well. So, here are the rules I have come up with for myself'
  1. I must use the food (meat, pantry staples, sweets, snacks, etc) that are already in the house.
  2. I am allowed $30/week for milk, bread and produce.
  3. We will only eat out 1/week. (this is pretty typical for us, and is often necessary with games, practices, etc.)
  4. I will blog/facebook about the middle class magic I create each day to hopefully inspire some of you to get creative in your own kitchens.
I will post later today with my first attempt at a little magic. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about getting other blogs out there to do the challenge with you? It could generate some great recipes.
